Re: I spilled the Ti-55 II keys and can't put it back. Help!
Re: I spilled the Ti-55 II keys and can't put it back. Help!
Carolyn Goodman Plampin ( wrote:
: Friends:
: The TI web page doesn't cover the old technology and I can't find
: another relevant discussion group.
: If you have the ancient TI-55 II please send me the layout of the keys
: so I can put my calculator back together. There are 9 rows with 5 keys
: in each row. Even the manual does not have a picture of the key layout.
Well, I have a TI-55 III--maybe it's the same... Here is my layout:
2nd R/S SqrtX OFF ON/C
hyp sin cos tan DRG
INV EE log lnx Y^x
E+ x<>y ( ) /
STO 7 8 9 *
RCL 4 5 6 -
EXC 1 2 3 +
pi 0 . +/- =
Hope it helps
: Randyl Kent Plampin
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