Re: Please Help me with Parallel link
Re: Please Help me with Parallel link
Tikigod wrote:
> I just made a parallel link and it doesn't work. it slows my calc way
> down and when i try to send something it causes and xmit error. I took
> my link to a store and they checked it and said it didn't have any
> shorts or anything like that and should work fine. i tried starting my
> software first but that didn't help it still almost locks up the calc by
> really Slooowing it down. I'd really appreciate the help thanks.
> you can E-mail me or post it.
> Tikigod
It's been my experience that you may have a short to ground of one
of the TI signal wires. Try this: unplug the jack from your
calculator, and unplug the Dshell end from your printer port.
Take an ohmmeter or continuity checker and check for 0 ohms from
tip to sleave or from ring to sleave (red to braided or white to
braided). This would indicate a short and would need to be
corrected... Take a real close squint at your wiring.
I've been working on a serial cable. I caught a mistake in my
wiring that shorted the white line to the braided line... the
calculator slowed to a crawl. After I corrected that mistake,
the calculator acted normally.
I beleive your problem is hardware, not software. Let us know
what you find out!
-- Calvin Miracle, Louisville, KY