TI92 RAM update available in Sweden -Reply


TI92 RAM update available in Sweden -Reply

Isn't there a better way you could conver this message?  If it
doesn't apply to the rest of us, please don't send it.  Anyway,
since the subject of the message is of a interest to a lot of us, it
just might concern us!

If there are people in Sweden reading this list, they can probally
read English, so next time, send it in English.


>>> Niklas Brunlid <nma95nbr@LUSTUDAT.STUDENT.LU.SE>
5 December 1996  14:33  >>>
This is in Swedish, since it only concerns us:

Tidningen TI-MAT skrev i det senaste numret om
RAM-uppgraderingen till
TI92. Som jag uppfattar det verkar det inte vara negra problem
med att man meste ha den senaste modellen eller net sent.

Nu undrar jag om negon har sett den i nen affdr eller annan

Alla svar/fregor direkt till mig (inte mer svenska pe calc-ti).


 - Niklas Brunlid (nma95nbr@lustudat.student.lu.se)
PQF quote follows:

- "We've got a lot of experience of not having any experience"
- "But the point is... the point is... the point is we've not been
   experienced for a lot longer than you."
        -- Stop being so negative
           (Terry Pratchett, Witches Abroad)