Re: Error trapping on TI-85? (fwd)
Re: Error trapping on TI-85? (fwd)
> No, actual it takes time to program the error trapping into the code of
> the program,
Now you're fudging. You said "CPU cycles," not programmer time.
> being part of the program it increases the size of the
> actual program,
Only if you use it. In which case it is invaluable.
> and lastly the error trapping routines use CPU cycles to
> read through the data that has been enter to see if it is legal.
Again, you're fudging. The error conditions are already caught by the
code that's in the calculator's ROMs right now! But they cannot be trapped
gracefully; the program stops dead.
> Each data type to be input will have to have it own error trapping
> routines, which will use physical memory to store.
Again, the calculator already catches errors in the data.
> I am not an Comp Sci instructor. I am a certified computer Enigneer. I
> assist personnel on a daily basis with there [sic] computer problems.
> I see a problem, are you trying to sell Ti-85 to an organization for use
> as personnel digital assistants with the Graph-link as a way to back up
> the data entered into a TI-85 up to a PC?
> ...
> The TI-85 is a Calcualtor! [sic] People by them to check there [sic]
> Math, Stat, Engineering, and Physics Homework! Not a substite [sic] for
> a Laptop computer.
If you cannot conceive of applications other than homework for a
programmable calculator, well.... Let's just say that you lack imagination.