ICTCM-10 Speaker Nomination Form


ICTCM-10 Speaker Nomination Form



The Tenth Annual International Conference on
Technology in Collegiate Mathematics

November 6-9, 1997
Hyatt Regency Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
Hosted by: Prairie State College and Benedictine University
Sponsored by: Addison Wesley Longman

Please print or type

Title:      ___Dr.   ___Mr.   ___Mrs. ___Ms.
College Name_____________________________________
Department ______________________________________
Address   ______________________________________
College Phone____________________________________
Fax Number_____________________________________

Home Address________________________________
Home City/State/ZipCode   ______________________
Home Phone_________________________________

This is a nomination for:   ___ Speaker ___ Presider
(There is no promise of reduced registration fee for speaker or presider.)

If others are involved in the presentation attach the above personal
information on a separate sheet for each additional speaker.  Identify the
principal speaker or panel organizer.  If this is other than a
self-nomination, attach your name and other pertinent data to this
nomination form.

Please prioritize your preference for presentation assignment with "1"
indicating your first choice.  Place an "X" on any blank you could NOT

        ___a.m. ___p.m. Friday, November 7, 1997
        ___a.m. ___p.m. Saturday, November 8, 1997
        ___a.m.         Sunday, November 9, 1997

For your nomination to be considered, YOU MUST COMPLETE SECTIONS I THROUGH VI.

I.  Title of presentation (as it would be printed in the program):

II. Description of presentation (as it would be printed in the program, 50
words or less):

Attach a complete abstract.

III.    Format: ___Session (1 hr)       ___Panel (Organizer
_________________)(2 hrs)
        ___Calculator Workshop (2 hrs)  ___Computer Software Minicourse (2 hrs)

        Level of Workshop or Minicourse:
        ___Novice    ___Novice/Intermediate    ___Intermediate
___Intermediate/Advanced    ___Advanced

 IV.  Strands:    (Prioritize your presentation content with "1" indicating
the major emphasis)
        ___Discrete Math                        ___Future Trends
___Developmental Math
        ___Pre-Calculus                 ___Statistics
___Mathematics Education  Research
        ___Calculus                     ___Assessment
___Technology Standards
        ___Post-Calculus                        ___Geometry
___Role of Industry
        ___Pedagogy                     ___Physics
        ___College Algebra/Trig         ___Pre-Service
___Distance/Internet Learning
        ___Other Areas

V.  Equipment Needs. Please check your audio/visual needs:
____ No equipment needed
____ Overhead Projector
____ High Intensity Overhead Projector (for LCD projection device)
____ LCD (computer projection panel)
____ Bringing laptop; No computer meeded.
              Please specify   ____Macintosh  or  ____PC
____ Macintosh PowerMac, 16Mb RAM, 160 Mb Harddisk, CD-ROM drive, color
display, keyboard, mouse, System 7.1
____ IBM Compatible Computer, Pentium, 16 Mb RAM, 120 Mb Harddisk, CD-ROM
drive, VGA color display, keyboard, mouse, DOS 6.2, Windows 3.1
____ Speakers for computers
____ Slide Projector
____ VCR with monitor
____ CBL
____ CBL probes (specify type)
____ Graphics Calculator. Please specify type and model:
____ Other (Describe in detail.)

VI.  Software needs.
                 I will use
                (Please see computer equipment specifications)

        _______ Conference needs to provide software.

        _______ I will provide software.
                Please note that in order to install the software you must
send it to the
address below by  Monday,  September 22, 1997.  There will be no time to
install software during the conference.

If accepted for the program and you would like a letter of recognition sent
to your Chair, Dean, Provost, Supervisor, etc., please complete the
information for that individual below:
Title ________________________________________
Institution ____________________________________
Dept. ________________________________________
City/State/Zip _________________________________

Please return this form to:     Joanne Foster
                                Addison Wesley Longman
                                1 Jacob Way
                                Reading, MA  01867
                                Phone: (617) 944-3700, ext. 2394,
                               FAX: (617) 944-8964,
                               EMAIL: joannef@aw.com

Note: This nomination form needs to be returned via mail or fax.  No
nominations or audio/visual equipment requests will be accepted by

For a sampling of the 1996 ICTCM Program see the Internet site,
http://www.aw.com/he  It may be possible to submit this proposal
electronically; check the internet site in January for more information.
Any abstract sent electronically must be followed by a hard copy.

Bert K. Waits
Department of Mathematics
The Ohio State University
231 W. 18th Avenue
Columbus, OH  43210

Phone: 614-292-1934
Fax:   614-292-0694
Email: waitsb@math.ohio-state.edu