Short Course Opportunity - Summer 1997
Short Course Opportunity - Summer 1997
Announcement of Professional Opportunity -- Summer 1997
PILOT - A Short Course on appropriate use of hand-held technology for
College and University Faculty Who Teach Mathematics or Mathematics
Education Courses for Preservice Teachers
Professors Christine Browning (Western Michigan University), Henry Kepner
(University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) , and Frank Demana and Bert Waits (The
Ohio State University) will lead a group of faculty who will develop two
new one week hand-held technology short courses for college and university
faculty who teach mathematics or mathematics education courses to
preservice teachers. One short course to be developed will have a high
school content focus and the other short course to be developed will have a
middle school content focus.
High School Content Focus
This short course will focus on the content of grades 9-12 high school
mathematics, related pedagogy, and student assessment. It will include the
appropriate use of hand-held technology throughout. It will be developed
at The Ohio State University the week of July 5-11, 1997. The technology
focus will be on the TI-82/83 graphing calculator, the Computer Based
Laboratory (CBL), and the TI-92 based computer symbolic algebra and Cabri
computer interactive geometry.
Middle School Focus
This short course will focus on the content of middle school mathematics,
related pedagogy, and student assessment. It will include the appropriate
use of hand-held technology throughout. It will be developed at The
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee the week of August 3-8, 1997. The
technology focus will be on scientific calculators like the TI Explorer
Plus, the Computer Based Laboratory (CBL), and the TI-80 graphing
The mathematics content discussed in both short courses will be NCTM
Standards-based. Examples will be taken from nationally recognized
curriculum reform projects. We will investigate how calculators, graphing
calculators, hand-held computers with computer symbolic algebra and
computer interactive geometry should be integrated in the mathematics
teacher education curriculum.
Both short courses are pilots where participants will help develop the
short courses to be offered as part of the regular Technology College Short
Course Program offerings beginning in the summer of 1998. The Technology
College Short Course Program, operated from The Ohio State University, is
part of the international T-cubed (Teachers Teaching with Technology)
Program co-founded by Professors Bert Waits and Frank Demana in 1988. The
main objective of our working week at each site will be to produce
instructional materials that will comprise the new 1998 short courses.
Materials will include an instructors notebook and participant materials.
More information about the T-cubed Program and the Technology College Short
Course Program can be found on the WWW at
A grant from Texas Instruments to Ohio State will provide the applicants
selected with housing (2 per room) for 5 nights and meals for 5 days at no
cost. There are no travel funds available. Participants will arrive in
Columbus or Milwaukee on Sunday to begin work at 2 PM. The pilot
short courses will conclude Friday afternoon by 3 PM.
Application for Math Educator Pilot Short Course Development Week
Participation in these pilot short courses is by application only.
Selection criteria will include (but is not limited to) the following:
1. Demonstration of experience teaching mathematics or mathematics
education using hand-held technology such as calculators and graphing
2. Demonstration of a high level of professional activity including
presentations at meetings and scholarly publications.
Applicants must be currently teaching mathematics or mathematics education
courses to pre-service teachers of mathematics and be employed full time
at a college or university. All applicants must include a current
curriculum vita.
Application deadline is March 15, 1997. Successful applicants will be
notified by April 15, 1997.
Applications should be returned to Professors Demana and Waits, Dept. of
Mathematics, The Ohio State University, 231 West 18th Avenue, Columbus, OH
Please circle the workshop for which you are applying (ONE choice only):
Middle School content focus (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
High School content focus (The Ohio State University)
Name of college or university
Your Department
Complete Mailing Address (indicate home or college/university) :
Phone Number (college/university):_(AC)____________(XXX-XXXX)
Phone Number (home): _(AC)_____________(XXX-XXXX)
Fax Number: _(AC)____________(XXX-XXXX)
Email Address:
WWW Address:
1. How many secondary mathematics majors and minors are currently
enrolled at your institution?
2. How many preservice mathematics teachers graduate at your
institution each year?
3. Do you have separate programs for preservice teachers interested in:
A. Middle school teaching?
B. High school teaching?
4. List the mathematics courses you teach to preservice teachers and
give a one or two line description of each.
5. List the mathematics education courses you teach to preservice
teachers and give a one or two line description of each.
6. Identify and describe educational experiences you have had with
students at the middle or high school level. Indicate the setting(s) and
depth of involvement and/or interaction with these students.
7. List workshops in the past two years that you have given using
technology (name of conference, location, date and type of technology -
e.g. fraction calculator, graphing calculator, Cabri Geometry on a
computer, etc.).
8. Please outline why you would like to participate in this working
pilot short course. Please include what you think you can contribute to
the development of these short courses (e.g., what are your strengths,
experience with using and teaching with technology, school-based
experience, etc.).
9. Are you willing to deliver (instruct) one of the short courses in
Summer 1998? In later years?
Remember to include a current and complete curriculum vita.
Return the complete application by the deadline via US mail to Bert Waits
and Frank Demana, The Ohio State University, Mathematics Department, 231 W.
18th. Ave., Columbus OH 43210
or FAX to 614-292-0694
or complete and send by email to
(put in subject line "Pilot CSD application")
Bert K. Waits
Department of Mathematics
The Ohio State University
231 W. 18th Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210
Phone: 614-292-1934
Fax: 614-292-0694