Re: What the hell?


Re: What the hell?

you know what's really scary?
it just occurred (sp?) to me today in science.
uninformed voters suck.
i mean they decided stuff like what tax propositions to go for, who to put
in control, etc.
uninformed voters are exponentially (sp?) more frightening than child

and about the porn on the calcs.
i don't know if the files are what the title say they are, but what kind
of resolution would these videos yield? answer: poor at best.
when i first saw the porn files for the ti calcs all i could do was laugh.
i'm sure that the files are nothing more than some lame program which
says, "hehehe...beavis...this guy is hard."

btw most kids (child goats) don't have calculators.

thank you...i am stupid...i enjoy contemplating my navel.
i hope the U.S. goes metric.

flames are welcome...they keep my home warm.

On Mon, 2 Dec 1996 greatllama@AOL.COM wrote:

> I was just about to post something to the same effect, Warren.  These are
> calculators, not anything porn should be displayed on.  The kinds of
> people who would actually waste time programming these or (worse yet)
> actually watch them make me sick.  And yes, there are lots of KIDS who use
> these calculators (take me, for example...).  The people who make these
> things available to KIDS are, in my opinion, no better than CHILD
> Just my overpriced $0.02
> -The Great and Powerful Llama
> "No sig today"
