Re: - TIPORN4X.UUE porno movie for the TI-85


Re: - TIPORN4X.UUE porno movie for the TI-85

Excerpts from netnews.bit.listserv.calc-ti: 2-Dec-96 Re: - TIPORN4X.UUE
porno mo.. by "Zipper"
> Can someone please post this as ONE SINGLE FILE!!! Or tell me how to join
> the two ataachments. Thank you!

Why do you want it? I bet you could find better stuff than a few Kbytes
of low res black and white calculator screen images on the net... Do you
need the movie to entertain yourself in math class?

| Jonathan Samuel |
| Electrical and Computer Engineering Student   |
| at Carnegie Mellon University                 |
|   -or-    |
| |

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