Re: TI-83
Von Dollen wrote:
> I am considering purchasing a TI-83 and I was just wondering--is it
> TOTALLY compatible with the TI-82? can they share programs and the like
> (not including the assembly language ones that you can now make on the
> TI-83) Can anyone clear this up for me? Also, are all the menus and
> keys pretty much in the same places (except for the physical appearance
> and the added financial functions)? Thanks!
Yeah, it has alot of other functions, but the layout is basically "TI
hybrid". That's a good point about the program compatability (in the
other message resonse from 'ANTBlokade'). That's something that isn't
readily advertised...:-)
I like the new design the best me naive, whatever...:-)
BTW, I have a cool Tetris program for the 82, the quadratic formula, and
a bunch of others. All thanks to fellow posters in this and another
newsgroup...thanks guys!!! E_mail me if you want one and I'll attach it
to a reply.
Chris Blessing
Chris's Website! -
If A equals success, then the formula is A equals X
plus Y plus Z, where X is work, Y is play, Z is keep
your mouth shut.
-- Albert Einstein