Re: Games
No1SaxDude <> [30 Aug 1996 13:10:52 -0400]: Games
>I don't have a Graph-lik or whatever it is.. so can someone e-mail me a
>text file with some in?? please?? thanxs!!
You can make your own link for only 5$ worth of parts from radio shack.
(It also helps if you can solder or know someone that can). If you can't
find a 2.5mm stereo mini-plug, I would just cut up the link cable. ( I just
added another plug on mine so i can still use the link cable and the
computer link cable.) Of course this cable is not compatible with the
Graph-Link, but is supported by connect-85. I've also heard of ppl selling
these links on the web for 10$ as well.
>From aw4@irz.inf.tu-dresden.deWed Oct 18 14:24:45 1995
Date: 18 OCT 1995 13:11:07 +0100
From: Andreas Westfeld <>
Reply to:
Newsgroups: bit.listserv.calc-ti
Subject: ### $5 LINK85-KIT #####################
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My version of the link-cable is about $5:
- 2 Si-diodes
- Sub-D 25 male plug (for the parallel port of the PC)
- 2.5 mm stereo plug
- cable
parallel port pin:
Pin No. 13 3 12 2 22
| |\ | | | |\ | | |
|___| \|__| |___| \|__| |
| | /| | | /| |
| |/ | | |/ | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
| | | x
x x x x
x x x x TI-85 2,5 mm plug
x x x x
Then I patched the LINK85X.EXE to use the LPTs instead of the COMs (a
log is appended to this posting). LINK85X.EXE is free available
(thanks TI). You have to unpack the exe-file before patching using
debug. An unpacked-patched version is available: (73145 Bytes).
I use this cable with this programm and it works fine. If you
have any
comments please send me an email. I hope to help some other poor
students with this posting. If you are programming a new link
I would like to implement this new parallel port adapter. The
thing I'm looking for is a ti85-program editor for pc - anyone
about something like this?
<< debug patch removed for link85.exe to link85xp.exe >>
Andreas Westfeld
Albeite flvhlich ohne Mullen und Knullen.
Und immel dalan denken: Albeit macht Fleude!
Tel.: 49-351-251 22 83