Re: Is Fargo a Hoax?
Re: Is Fargo a Hoax?
On Thu, 29 Aug 1996 21:38:20 -0400, you wrote:
><<If it exists, at least someone should know the backdoor. I mean, at
>least crashing it via this "backdoor" that would allow you to vector to
>some code should be possible.>>
> The backdoor has been posted serval time, and in fact had text files on
>the information on it which have since been removed. I don't know an
>increedible amount about it myself, but it works by backing up the whole
>memory, and then looping around back to the beginning and overwriting it
>with the new code.
I would be very interested in the textfiles, if anyone has them, could
they send them my way? Thank! I don't see why they were removed... It
would not hurt fargo to have competition, would it? Unless the authors
were going to charge money for it... :(
><<Besides the heresay and talking about using the full potential of the
>TI-92 as it stands, and repeating what they've heard on the
>, does anyone know anything solid about "FARGO"?.>>
> Well I can't say much more than I have it, but that of course doesn't
>prove much to you. If there's any way I can prove it short of distributing
>it please tell me.
I just have one question, how did you become a beta tester? (Or
whatever your are :) )
|Tim Gerla - |
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