Re: HP48 vs TI-92
In article <>, says...
>> The thing that kills it for me is you can't use it on any tests! QWERTY
>keyboard. If they allowed those, I'd take a pentium 150 laptop with Maple,
>Mathematica, Derive, Excel, Lotus, a programming language (for those
>annoying problems you know how to solve, but not quickly...thus a computer)
>and whatever other stuff I could think of! I'd save the money to get a
>TI-92 along with my HP-48GX if it didn't have that darn
I agree with your last statement. I didn't buy a TI-92 simply because of the
qwerty keyboard/physical size. The thing looks way too much like a small
computer, and I don't really feel like arguing with every single professor I
come across in letting me use the thing. Plus, the school I'm at, there isn't
much more room on your desk than an 8.5"x11" sheet of paper.