Can't get parallel link working -- DESPERATE cry for HELP!
Can't get parallel link working -- DESPERATE cry for HELP!
Subject: Can't get parallel link working -- DESPERATE cry for HELP!
From: Moshe Jacobson <>
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 1996 22:12:37 GMT
In-Reply-To: <>
If anyone can help me, please do:
I have tried building the parallel link just as Andreas Wesfield's
instruction's said. I have used 5.1 zener diodes and 1n914 diodes. I have
tested current flow, that nothing is shorted out, etc. The works
on my sister's 486 and my dad's 486 (my pentium and notebook don't work), but
neither work with cs85. I have no idea what the problem might be, as I have
actually used the original ti cable for this. I have tightly crimped the
connections, and can't figure it out.
I have found with an ohm meter that both the diodes themselves actually create
a good bit of resistance the way data flows (anode to cathode), and I am
thinking that this may be the problem as the calculator's signal is working.
If you have gotten your link to work, please help me.
Thanks a lot,
Moshe Jacobson