TI92 Prgm Out: Used as a variable?
TI92 Prgm Out: Used as a variable?
Having recently upgraded to a TI-92 from a TI-85, one feature that I find
myself missing sorely is the ability to compute off of the last solution
from a program. I know that I can edit programs to output their results
to a variable, but what was nice on the 85 was that the program's output
went into the ANS variable, so that I could use it in my next calculation
on the fly, without having to muck with the code.
Is there any way on the TI-92 to do this? For instance, let's say I want
to calculate the area of a circle. I know it's radius is 5 cm, but I want
the area in square inches. So I run a conversion program to turn cm into
inches, but now I simply want to square the result and multiply by pi.
How do I get the program output OFF of the program I/O screen and onto
the Home screen?
---Ashish Ranpura