Re: Technical Help for TI-85 wanted... **UPDATE**
In <4vqemg$>
S. Williams) writes:
>dija call 1-800-TI-CARES? They'll tell ya what to do... most likely
>they'll say...
>1>take out one battery
>2>hold down the ON button for 20 seconds
>3>replace the battery
>4>turn it on and adjust the contrast
> i guess holding down the on key while having one battery out
>the processor or something... hope it works for ya.
> ryan.
From my experience, calling 1-800-TI-CARES will have them telling
you to exchange it with them (assuming it's still in the one year
warranty period). This means that between the time you send it and the
time you recieve the replacement, you'll have no calculator (which is
no different from the way it is now, I suppose, since it doesn't work
-DAN Wolfe