Re: Q:prg slowing down-why?
There are a few resonse why your calc slows down. 1 : The longer a
program is the slower it gets because the processor has more instructions
then it can handle so the program slows down waiting for processor speed
sence the OS takes up so much processor time the only way around this is
to use asmbly (Wich does'nt all way help!) or optimise your code to be
smaller which will greatly increase the speed of you prog. 2 : The lore
memory you use the slower it gets. same thing with a PC or Mac. If you
have 16 megs of mem youe system would be much faster than say one with 8
or 4 megs. and sence the calc uses the same memory for storage and the
execuction it'll slow down untill you run out of mem where the calc will
slow down to unbearabl speeds. 3 : As the bateries grow weaker there will
be less power going to the processor and the processor will slow down
because of a lack of power.
Hope that helped
P.S. I'm pretty sure this is correct