Re: Need Help on Parallel Link with 85


Re: Need Help on Parallel Link with 85

On 21 Aug 1996 02:31:40 GMT, Terence Gunderson <>

>The diodes you want to use are 1N914, very common switching diodes.
>Don't have the radio shack number available but any radio shack store has
>them and will be able to identify by the 1N914 number.
>Hope this helps.  Good luck.
Thanks, Terry... I am having a problem with my link and i think it's
the diodes. linktest works fine but when i try cs85 (or whatever the
prog is called) to test it, it doesn't communicate from the calc to
the computer even w/the right LPT address. I think the diodes weaken
the calculator's signal (I'm using 5.1v zeners right now) and the
computer doesn't sense them. I used an ohm meter to test the
resistance throught the diodes and there was a lot of it,
surprisingly. Is this normal? I suspect there is a better chance
computer to calculator transfer willl work since the singnal isn't
going throught the diode. Haven't tried it though. I'll buy the diodes
you recommended and see if they work.

