Re: RTlinks-
BinfordTls wrote:
> has anyone here built a working set of the radio links that were posted a
> while ago? thanks-
I don't have time to go into the complete story but Michael Jan's
RT-links are now widely regarded as a hoax.
The next issue of the TI-GCM will have actual posts and letters from Jan
in the NEWS section. Until then, here are a couple of reasons why no one
believes him:
1. Someone has built 4 pairs of them; none work
2. Someone tried to order some from Jan [he was selling them for $30 in
a flyer]; Jan promised to send it the next day. He didn't. When the
person asked for them, Jan said he was working on a new version that
would be a chip that would operate on a fixed frequency and be patented.
After asking for just old version, Jan eventually got fed up and started
using some less than complimentary terms.
The good news is that Jan's plans, while fradulent, have sparked some
people into working on their own RT-Links.
Hope this helps!
- Paul Pollack
TIGCM Senior Editor