Need help on the 85 manual.


Need help on the 85 manual.

OK, I am hoping someone can help me out with this.
A friend of mine bought (and later returned) a TI-85 about a year ago.  I have
had mine for about two years.
After looking at the manual that came with my friends I realized it was
different than mine.  I am not sure what the cause of
this is but I am sure TI has it figured out. :-)  Well, anyways, I tried one of
the things I saw in his book that wasn't in mine, on
my calculator.  I wish I knew it's BIOS version, because the commands didn't
work.  Well about 9 month's ago I accidently
dropped my 85 on the floor and it no longer worked.  I called tech support and
after an hour we couldn't figure it out.  So
they sent me a new calculator and a "mail-back" envolope.  So I sent them the
old dead one and procedded to use my
NEW TI-85 (which I now know is a BIOS 9.0) and tried using that command that I
had seen in my friends manual.  Sure
enough it WORKED!  SO, then I called TI and ordered the updated book for $3 but
when I got it, it was the same as the one
I had, and of course they had no idea what I was talking about. :-)   So now I
want to find out what the heck is different in
the manuals.  The one command I remeber is the CBLGET for the link.  I need a
copy of the page that covers that and the
send command, and any other link commands.  If anyone has a GIF or JPG image of
these pages, or even PDF, or any
generic text format,  I would love to have them.  I have called TI and they
insist the manual is the same.  Someone out
there must know what I mean!
Patrick Sweeney