83's link (was: Re: Zshell)
-- [ From: Dave Wollenberg * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --
> DA>What about the 83? I know TI was giving assembler support, does that
mean it
> DA>operates more similar to the 85 in that aspect than the 82?
> It might, I know that the graph-link for the 82 won't work with the 83,
yet >you can link an 82 with an 83. Good job TI!
Uh.. yeah it will. I use the same link on my 83 that I used with my 82. I
needed new software, mind you, but the same link works. I am a little
disappointed that there isn't much compatability from the 83 to an 82. I had
thought they were completely compatible when I bought them, but I found out
only lists can be sent from the 83 to 82. Anyone found a way to send
Dave Wollenberg