Re: Zshell


Re: Zshell

-- [ From: Dave Wollenberg * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

> >don't the 85 and 82 run on the same Z80 proccesor.  If so then why isn't
> >there a Zshell for the 82!
> There is no custom menu for the 82.  Also, the TI-82 Link program tries to
> *compile* the program before sending it to the TI-82.  The Ti-85 Link
> sends it first, the the 85 *compiles* it.  Sending machine hex codes will
> work because the 82-link will try to compile it and will fail.

What about the 83? I know TI was giving assembler support, does that mean it
operates more similar to the 85 in that aspect than the 82?
Dave Wollenberg
