Need major starting-out help.
Need major starting-out help.
I have had my TI85 for 2 years now and I have just realized it's potential as a
portable computer of sorts.
Is there any way to get my TI connected to my 486PC without spending $60 to buy
the TI connection cable?
Also, are there programs available I can type in or do I need to buy special
software and cables?
Also, were do I get the emulator for my PC? I have plenty of technical
knowledge and have been putting BASIC programs
into my TI since day 1.
One last question, Are there different ROM numbers? I have had two units with
minor differences and have seen a third.
One didn't have all the link commands that my current one does that I got after
telling TI the first one "died".
I am really desperate to get a chat program going on this thing....
Please, if anyone out there has any help please write me, or email me at the
following address.
or post them here.
Patrick Sweeney
Torrington, CT
I am going to post some programs for "type-in" if that is OK with everyone.
Please let me know.