Re: Algebra 2
Lord, we finally got out of the TIxx/Hpxx flame wars, and what happens, I
start getting flamed because I asked a stupid question.
> Just repeating what you have already been told. If you bought a 92 to
> you with your math, you made a mistake. The 92 will be a crutch and you
> won't learn anything.
Ok, let me restate what I have already told.
A) I am in advanced courses in Math, Science, English, History and
Computers, I have yet to have lower than a 3.833 GPA.
B) I ALWAYS (read it twice if you have to) learn to do a problem by hand,
since I'm not going to always have a calculator with me later in life, and
the calculator is a tool, not something to solve all of my problems, just
to make it faster.
C) Due to the limitations of the calculator, I use the calculator mostly to
only CHECK my answers. I usually have to show enough work that it's
impracticable to use one anyways.
D) Last year, the algebra books we used we're BASED out of the TI-82
calculator, and if you DIDN'T have one, you had no chance of passing the
class, because that's the way it worked, the title of the textbook was
something along the lines of "Algebra 2 with the TI-82 Graphing
E) Do you think that I don't CARE about learning these things? If I didn't
plan to learn anything, I would be in slacker classes...
Does this all make sense?