The New ZGuide!


The New ZGuide!

As a few of you guys may already know, Matt Bathje (who was the Editor in
Chief of ZGuide) has now given me the approval to take over this premiere

The web site for the new ZGuide is now changed!  It is located at:

Anyway, the issue that was released by Matt and his staff is also located on
the new site (as a back issue).  There are a few new things which are added to
ZGuide, and a few old things which have been deleted/changed.  Visit it to
find out!    ;-)

Also, tentatively the next issue of ZGuide will be available on September 1,
1996.  Currently this issue is being worked on in the background, and won't be
available for the general public until that date.

I would appreciate any suggestions and/or comments about the new ZGuide, and
the appearance of the web page.  Any new articles can now be submitted to me
(via email or on the web site).  I also encourage any previous staff writers,
and people making new ZShell games to contribute by telling me what games they
are making, etc...  Any previous information can also be updated.

Finally, I would like to thank Matt for letting me continue this endeavor...

--Ashu Chaturvedi   (ZGuide Editor In Chief)