Re: Getting Outta Herey


Re: Getting Outta Herey

On Thu, 8 Aug 1996, psferr01 wrote:

> One final shot: if you don't know the answer to someone's post
> don't guess. All you do is create one more worthless message.
> Answer a question only if you know the answer or can point the
> asker to someone who does know the answer. I can't believe how
> many times I've read totally inaccurate statements like:
> "I THINK the TI-99z uses a pentium at 3MHz"
>      or
> "I THINK UNIX is plural for eunuch"
>      or
> "I THINK it has something to maybe to do with the parallel port
> not being bidirectional"

I THINK that you're overlooking the fact that insights are often
very useful.  I've learned a lot from other people's guesses and
thoughts, as long as their labeled as such.

If you only want the facts, look it up somewhere.

