Re: Getting Outta Here
With few exceptions, I have been amazed at the sh*t that you
folks spout out under the guise of intelligent discourse. Wading
through the drivel, day after day has gotten to be too much.
Being subjected to your inane threads is worse than junk mail
and phone solicitors combined.
When I first subscribed to this list, I thought I'd be able to
learn somethings, to get some games, and to help others by
sharing the knowledge I have. I thought it would be about TI-XX
users helping each other - not boasting about whose calculator
made the biggest bulge in their pocket. I suggest those of you
insecure about the potentcy of your calc find a more appropriate
place to fight - perhaps freeing this discussion group to delve
into issues with some level of intelligence.
One final shot: if you don't know the answer to someone's post
don't guess. All you do is create one more worthless message.
Answer a question only if you know the answer or can point the
asker to someone who does know the answer. I can't believe how
many times I've read totally inaccurate statements like:
"I THINK the TI-99z uses a pentium at 3MHz"
"I THINK UNIX is plural for eunuch"
"I THINK it has something to maybe to do with the parallel port
not being bidirectional"
You guys (and gals) seem to think alot without knowing very
much. After spending two months on this list I can see how your
minds become clouded.
Turn off your computers, take them to the nearest window, yell
at the top of your lungs, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to
take it anymore!". After that, sit down and relax with a book -
maybe you won't have to THINK so much in the future. Maybe
you'll actually KNOW the answers.
I'm planning to leave this place as soon as I find where
Majordomo now lives. Can anyone tell me how to unsubscribe now
that they've moved the listserv?