Re: Calculator screen resolutions
81/82/83: 96x64
85: 128x64
92: 240x128
80: a joke, don't ask! =)
At 04:14 8/7/96 GMT, Steven Wolfe wrote:
>In <4u7m6b$> writes:
>>>Please clarify: how is the TI-85 screen "better"? Also, are you
>>>talking about the screen on the calculator, or the overhead projector
>>Higher resolution
>The calc and overhead viewscreen have the same resolution, so we can
>ignore that part of the quetion, though I'm not sure if that answer is
>true. Could be wrong, but could anyone give specific dimensions of the
>82 and 85 screens (in pixels)? Just wanna know (a) whether the above
>response is true, and (b) how much higher the resolution is.
>-DAN Wolfe
> ^^^
| Peter Kolbus +1.810.474.0872 |
| #include <disclaimer.h> |
| "640K should be enough for anybody" |
| -Bill Gates, 1986 |
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| Who is General Failure, and why is he reading drive C? |
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