Re: TI sucks HP rules


Re: TI sucks HP rules

At 14:07 8/5/96 GMT, wrote:
>Perhaps I live in a geeky area, but I've seen many people around with
>headphones plugged into their (closed, but on) laptop, listening to
>their CDs.

I guess you do... I've not seen ANYONE in my area do this... =)

>>business schmoe look like if every time his boss asked for a quick number
>>check, he "whipped" out a laptop?!
>Hey, leave it on in suspend mode, and pull it out of your briefcase. Every
>person I know in any sort of big business (like international tax) carries
>a laptop at all times.

Suspend mode is a rip... it still takes about 45s for the Acer 361 (P120,
16MB/810MB) to pull itself out of suspend mode and get back to Win95.  The
calculators are instant-on... press [ON] and start doing your calculations...

>>Besides, you are all wrong anywho.  For quick calculations, the Hp-48;
>Odd. The HP series of calculators, due to their rather unusual design
>(postfix), make it impossible for anyone to do any real math.

Agreed, RPN (Reverse Polish Notation aka postfix) DOES take some getting
used to... lots of it.  I had a HP for about 2 weeks & couldn't get the hang
of RPN
... thats why I bought a TI...  Those who endured the learning curve and
stuck with the HP say they woulldn't go back... fewer keystrokes involved,
actually.  Especially for (2x+3)/(5+(3x^2-4x+12)/(32x^4-7x+4)) and other
complex operations, b/c there is no need for parentheses...

<<snip>> -- 8< -- 8< -- 8< -- <<snip>>

Just my $0.23
| Peter Kolbus                           +1.810.474.0872 |
|      #include <disclaimer.h> |
| "640K should be enough for anybody"                    |
|             -Bill Gates, 1986                          |
|                                                        |
| Who is General Failure, and why is he reading drive C? |
|                                                        |
| ***Written using 100% recycled electrons***            |
