Re: Which TI does your school require
In <> Richard Taylor <> writes:
>And there is just no reason to buy a TI-82; it's replacement, the
>TI-83, is so superior that the 82 shouldn't even be considered.
I can think of one good reason: cost. Check the price comparison at, then consider that there are (free) programs for the 82 to
handle statistics and complex numbers (I've seen 'em somewhere). Now,
since the intention of this comparison is for school rather than for
programmers, we can ignore that aspect. There you go: while it is
futile to argue which is "better", the 82 is cheaper, and capable of
almost just as much given the fact that it is programmable. If one can
afford an 83, I have no problem with that. But for students, who may
want to save their money for other things, while the 83 is, as you say,
"superior", is it really necessary to spend the extra money?
The 83 can be
>used side by side with 82s, there's a huge base of programs for it,
>it's now got expanded capabilities with complex numbers, business and
>statistical functions, etc.
>I've had a number of students who thought that becuase the TI-85 has a
>bigger number and costs more that it must be better. Most traded them
>back in for an 82 or 83.
> Richard L. Taylor
> J. J. Pearce H. S.
> Richardson, TX 75080