Compuserve and WOW list subscribers!!!!
Compuserve and WOW list subscribers!!!!
Subject: Compuserve and WOW list subscribers!!!!
From: Eric P. Anderson <crusader@MO.NET>
Date: Sun, 4 Aug 1996 23:57:51 +0700
In-Reply-To: <>
Attention Compuserve and WOW lists subscribers,
Guess what happened when I just posted a message to the list. I got about
ten messages back saying "delivery report". Several were from for some wow users and several were from I don't know why there were not generated before
and I don't really care for that matter. I request that if you are able to
that you should turn them off. I assume that if this continues everyone who
posts a message to the list will get one of these for every compuserve and
wow subscriber that has this enabled. It is very annoying. I would much
appreciate it if you can do anything to solve this matter.
* Eric P. Anderson "Who is General *
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