[A92] Re: Forth


[A92] Re: Forth

whats FORTH? is that another language?

At 02:03 PM 3/30/03, you wrote:
> >>>>> "Jonathan" == Jonathan Rogers <jonner@teegra.net> writes:
> > I was looking through the archives of this list, and saw that a couple
> > of different Forth implementations had been discussed a couple of
> > years ago. I have tried to track down archives on the web and the
> > people who were discussing it, but I haven't had any luck yet. Does
> > anyone still on this list know anything about the status or
> > availability of any of those Forths?
>I implemented a Forth in pure ASM some years ago, stopping that project
>when interest in TI-92 calculators (and Forth?) died.  It's almost
>completed, implementing most of the ANS standard.  Note that it's only
>for orignal TI-92s (or TI-92 IIs), not for the Plus or TI-89 series
>(would need some porting).  If you're interested I could send you a
>Some other guy tried to implement a Forth in C for the TI-92+/TI-89
>using some open source Forth as starting point, but I'm not sure how far
>he got...
>GnuPG public key: http://user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~dvdkhlng/dk.gpg
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