[A92] Re: Fargo and 92+
[A92] Re: Fargo and 92+
On Fri, 9 Aug 2002, docydoc wrote:
> >
> Hi!
> I was a bit unclear but was not my problem at all.
> I wanna type in an assembler program and then I wanna run it.
> So i need an assembler for the TI92+. But not one in the PC and then sent
> to the Calc. I'd like to do assembler like the calc's basic!
There are a couple of programs to do this, although very few programmers
(none, as far as I know) actually write large programs on the calculator.
One very old on-calc assembler is AS92, which does require a kernel, and
is available on ticalc.org. A newer assembler, AS, is also available from
http://darkclem.free.fr/, a site which includes various other nice things
as well such as an on-calc C compiler and text editor.
Of course you could always assemble it yourself and then type in the hex
codes as the argument to exec.
> Although I wonder whether there is a good assembler for PC to assemble
> the instruction mnemonics to a *.92x file that can be run on the calc.
The assembler usually used by assembly programmers for the TI-92 Plus is
A68k, which you can get on ticalc.org. This generates only object files,
not .9xz files which would be run, so a linker is also needed. The TI-GCC
development suite, available on ticalc.org, includes not only a C compiler
but also the A68K assembler, linker, and the GNU assembler, which is the
assembler that most C programmers think is best.