[A92] Re: Fargo and 92+
[A92] Re: Fargo and 92+
On Fri, 9 Aug 2002, docydoc wrote:
> Hi!
> I have a TI92-II with the FlashModule installed (so it's a 92+ then)
> I have not found out how to get into a "shell" or so to do assembler.
> I don't really want to install a complete new shell. My aim is to do it
> directly.
> It's a shame that TI does not support it directly in their 92+ calcs.
> What do they fear?
> Does anybody know how to do assembler without any shell let's say
> after a total reset?
First of all, make sure you know what a "shell" is. It does not replace
the existing system of the calculator at all. Rather, it is an ordinary
program whose its main function is to show a list of programs from which
you can select one, and then it will run. All the shells that I know of
allow yuou to exit them very easily (e.g. by pressing the ESC key) so
running one does not cause trouble if you want to do other things as well.
"Shell" is also sometimes used to refer to programs like Universal OS,
which are probably better called "kernels". These "kernels" must be
installed to allow some (but not all) assembly programs to run. These do
not repalce the main system either, and don't have much effect except when
you run a program using them.
Any assembly program that is "nostub" (which includes most recently
released ones) will run by itself without any kernel or shell. Of course,
after a total reset, you will have to re-send the program, because since
the calculator is reset the program will be erased! But to make such a
program, just put "XDEF _nostub" in it and of course don't use in
kernel-based libraries, ROM calls, or "RAM calls".