A92: Re: 89 prog to 92?


A92: Re: 89 prog to 92?

> I have been "offline" of this mailing list and for my suprise now its
> empty.!!!!!
> Everyone is gone!
> So if anyone can read this please help.
> Whats the current status?
> Can i use a BASIC 89 or 92 plus prog on a normal TI-92?

If they don't use any 89/92+ specific commands, then yes, you should be able to
use them.
The addendum to the TI-92 manual is available at TI:s site, and it shows all the
new commands.

> What about assembler? Its all 68k :)

Yes, it is. Same as the 92, almost. You can also program in C using TI-GCC (not
a TI product).

> I know i dont have flash support.

You're not missing out that much (yet). Just my opinion, but then I haven't
tried any flash apps =)

 / Niklas Brunlid
Check out Prosit for the TI-89 / TI-92+ at http://prosit.ticalc.org
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"Stuck? You're an *alien*," said Johnny. "Aliens don't get stuck in
air ducts. It's practically a well-known fact."
        -- (Terry Pratchett, Only You Can Save Mankind)
