Re: A92: Re: ti-92 for sale
Re: A92: Re: ti-92 for sale
Unless I am mistaken, I thought the internal version meant there was
no ROM module in the calculator. That the ROM was hard-wired in the
calculator. As for any differences, I don't know of any. I suppose
that if you ever wanted to upgrade to the PLUS, you wouldn't have to
remove the existing module.
> What's the difference between an internal and an external?
> What does it change for the user/programer?
> > Hrmm... I seemed to have fogotten how to tell the difference. Ok the back
> cover
> > of your TI-92, to the right of the serial # you will find in tinny print
> > something like "I-????" where ? stands for a digit. What is that number?
> >
> > > i dont know if it has internal and external