A92: 680xx instructions.
A92: 680xx instructions.
try another instruction because move ccr,d0 is a legal 68k instruction
even in user mode.
Try somethin like :
68020 : callm #1,(a0) : #00000110 11010000 00000000 00000001 b
(05B0 0001)
68030/20 : pack D0,D1,#0 : #10000011 01000000 (8340)
CPU32 : tbls.w D1:D2,D0 : #11111000 00000001 00001000 01000010 b (F801
we know that the line 1111 causes a trap.
but the best will be the use of a new addressing mode : clr.w
will be : #01000010 01110000 00011101 01010000 b (4270 1B50)
this instruction works in a cpu32, 020 and so on...