A92: Re: Proper Tools (was Re: DoorsOS II for 92+)


A92: Re: Proper Tools (was Re: DoorsOS II for 92+)

> > reset the memory (BTW, the screw on the back of my 92+ where the plus module
> > is located is slowly being ground away) and reinstall my backup copies,

Exactly _how_ fast does the backup battery kick in when you pull the other
batteries, if the calc is on at that time?
ALso, I seem to remember that you can short-circuit (sp?) the backup battery
with something thin enough, creating the same effect as removing it but without
actually taking it out. Of course, this is bad for the battery itself.

 / Niklas Brunlid
Check out Prosit for the TI-89 / TI-92+ at http://prosit.ticalc.org
Random PQF Quote follows:

The chieftain had been turned into a pumpkin although, in accordance with
the rules of universal humour, he still had his hat on.
        -- (Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies)
