A92: Re: ti92plus shell
A92: Re: ti92plus shell
Steps for TI-92 Plus: HW 2.00 and AMS 2.03:
1. Download http://www.ticalc.org/pub/92plus/asm/shells/hw2patch.zip
2. Unzip the file and send hw2patch.9xz to your calculator
3. Run hw2patch() from the homescreen
4. Download http://www.ticalc.org/pub/92plus/asm/shells/teos.zip
5. Unzip the file and send teos.9xz to your calculator
6. In the lib directory, send ziplib.9xz, graphlibHW2.9xz, gray4lib.9xz,
gray7lib.9xz, hexlib.9xz, hufflib.9xz, linelib.9xz, userlib.9xz, util.9xz,
ziplib.9xz, and filelib.9xz to your calculator.
7. You can archive these libraries in order to free up RAM.
8. Run teos() from the homescreen.
9. To uninstall, send uninst.9xz to the TI-92+ and run uninst()
If you have any further questions, or this doesn't work just email me.