Re: A92: 92 Easter Egg


Re: A92: 92 Easter Egg

Yah, "S" (or any key with a s on it) puts you in self test mode. "R" puts your calc into Remote Mode, which allows it to be controlled by another calc.
----- Original Message -----
From: Tony Meece
To: '' ;
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2000 7:45 AM
Subject: RE: A92: 92 Easter Egg

You're correct that it doesn't work on a 92+, but try an 'S' (Self tests). I am guessint the Self Tests are pretty well known, but I didn't know about them. I do sometimes get a weird return when I press 'R' (Return). I've had lock up's & lost the lower line on my HOME display. Different each time.  Explain that someone?
-----Original Message-----
I was playin around with VTI and my old rom from my 92 (1.12) and went to the rom version screen (F5, <> , '(' ) and there I pressed "P". To my shock, I was greeted with a list of people! So I tried it out on other 92 roms. The list of ppl varies a bit and on ROM 1.4 it says "Developed By:" so I assume these are the people that developed the TI ROM.
Anyways, this has no practical use, but I thought it was cool...
BTW, it only works on 92 ROMS 1.4,1.11,1.12,2.1
Strangly it doesnt work on the 92+ or 89...
