Re: A92: The results. (was TIOS: Can't live with is. Can't live witho
Re: A92: The results. (was TIOS: Can't live with is. Can't live without it?)
I got an idea of how to keep the TIOS and use all of the ram. That Bluelink
person gave me the idea.
If what I understand about the ROMand RAM is true, then 1) there is 128Kb
(kilobytes) of ram, and the ROM stores the factory defaults in some
unreachable form. 2), when the calc is reset, the info in the ROM overrites
the RAM, and the factory defaults are restored. 3) that 62someodd kb of ram
that the OS "uses" *can* be messed with.
Then we could do something like this:
The nontios boots up and compares the existing TIOS with the ROM's default
TIOS, it logs the differences, and then erases the existing TIOS. Then when
it's finnished, it puts TIOS back on, and re-impliments the changes, this
way, While the nontios is booted, it can use 128k, but otherwise, it can just
sit uselessly in the remaining RAM, with just a fer kb to store functions,
variables ect for TIOS.
More later, I have to go.