Re: A92: Re: Thanks David
Re: A92: Re: Thanks David
Executing the old interrupt function (in 'int_1') may not be necessary
and would slow the whole thing down (you know that the calc gets a lot
slower when you're pressing a key).
But if it is necessary to trigger the old interrupt, the following
code may be smaller (this is not my idea, someone wrote that idea on
the list, a long time ago)
int_1: ...
old_int1_minus2: jmp $123456 ; trigger original interrupt vector
; (this address is modified by the initialization code)
move.w #$0700,d0 ; Change SR (Status Register)
trap #1 ;
move.l $64,old_int1_minus2+2 ; Store old interrupt vector
bclr.b #2,$600001 ; Disable write protection
move.l #int_1,$64 ; Replace with our interrupt
bset.b #2,$600001 ; Enable write protection
trap #1 ; Restore SR
. . .
move.w #$0700,d0 ; Change SR
trap #1 ;
bclr.b #2,$600001 ; Disable write protection
move.l #old_int1_minus2+2,$64 ; Restore the old
bset.b #2,$600001 ; Enable write protection
trap #1 ; Restore SR
Aaron Hill schrieb:
> > I tried your idea of disabling the interrupts before reading the keypresses.
> > It works perfectly. Thanks for the help. Also, At one point I tried to
> > create a custom interrupt for handling the keypresses (so it would all be
> > done automatically) but it failed. I couldn't get the old interrupt out
> > and the new one in. It kept crashing and stuff. Maybe you have something
> > that could help me here. If anyone has any ideas to help please send them.
> The interrupt vector table is protected from writing. You have to disable
> the protection first before you right to the table. Then reenable it when
> you're done. Unfortunately you will also need to mask out the particular
> interrupt you are modifiying. This cannot be done as Fargo programs are all
> run in user mode. Ellsworth wrote a "function" to help you and it is tied
> in as a TRAP vector. This piece of code will disable the protection, mess
> with the interrupts, and reenable the protection.
> move.w #$0700,d0 ; Change SR (Status Register)
> trap #1 ;
> move.l $64,old_int_1 ; Store old interrupt vector
> bclr.b #2,$600001 ; Disable write protection
> move.l #int_1,$64 ; Replace with our interrupt
> bset.b #2,$600001 ; Enable write protection
> trap #1 ; Restore SR
> . . .
> move.w #$0700,d0 ; Change SR
> trap #1 ;
> bclr.b #2,$600001 ; Disable write protection
> move.l #old_int1,$64 ; Restore the old interrupt
> bset.b #2,$600001 ; Enable write protection
> trap #1 ; Restore SR
> . . .
> int_1:
> ; some code here
> move.l old_int_1,-(sp) ; Also execute the old interrupt
> rts
> . . .
> old_int_1 dc.l 0
> The %fargo%\doc\traps.txt file explains the interrupts. It also explains how
> to use the TRAP #1 function. This should help you get some interrupt-based
> programs working. Enjoy.
> ====
> Aaron Hill (Redmond, Wash.)
> Electronic Mail:
> IRC Nickname: serac (on EF-Net)
> ActiveWorlds Citizenship: serac