Re: A92: Addressing mode


Re: A92: Addressing mode

Sudan Christoph wrote:
> A little program for illustrate it:
> ;****************************
>         xdef _main
>         xdef _comment
> _main:
>         LEA (A5,D7.w),A5
>         Move.w (A5),D4
>         Move.w D4,D5
>         RTS
> _comment:
>         dc.b "TryOut",0
>         END
> ;****************************
> Look at the following object code created by the A86k.exe:
> ;ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
>   ç      è         é   Kù
> 8:Nu4I`üVersuch   ï  _main
>          _comment   ?  A5,D7.w
>             ò
> ;ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

   I don't understand your problem!  Obviously if you're
trying to dump the object file as output by the assembler
you cannot see what's really in.  If you want to see what's
going on, try to use the A68k option that outputs a listing


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