Re: A92: Doors / Protect feature: I need your help !!


Re: A92: Doors / Protect feature: I need your help !!

> When I made the Protect function of PCTOOLS 98, I found
> some that if your folder list looks like :
>    games
>         '0'smth         (the first char of the folder is null)
>         main
> you will have a bug in the VAR Link when you want to
> use Copy or Move. (the dialog box will be never shown)
> You can't have a folder with '0' as first letter between
> two other folders.
> But the following example will work :
>         '0'smth         (the first char of the folder is null)
>    games
>         main
> there might be such a problem with files.

Thanks, but in fact it isn't :-( Indeed, Doors sorts the list
alphabetically so that the protected folders (beginning with a null
char) are always at the beginning of the list.

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