A92: Strange thing...
A92: Strange thing...
There's one strange thing happening while I run a prog I made ( yes! the
same with the stupid question : )
Here it is :
It creates a menubar at the top of the screen, with two "boxes".
when I select one of these box, it displays a small menu under it.
After you can select trough 5 choice. It inverts the "color" of each box
when you select it. e.g. it becomes black.
After I need to clear a particular area of the screen ( where my menu was
displayed) so I wrote a subroutine which make this. But when I make appear
again my meny with my 5 selections, and I want to cycle trough it. I have
problems with the invertion of the color.
For example, a box remains white while it should be black !!! Or 3 boxes
become black....
I use the " bclr.b" instruction in my subroutine that clears a particular
area of the screen.
Is it possible that it can have an influence when I use later the
"pixel_chg" instruction of the flib library.
Ok, I know what you're thinking about :
" Why doesn't he debug seriously his prog, instead of asking this ?!?!?"
Well....I wanted to know if there was a possibility that any interaction
between instructions could happen...
Don't worry, I'm also looking seriously if there's not a wrong thing in my
prog !!!
: )
VIVES Fabien
( Enlevez NOSPAM pour me repondre )
( Get NOSPAM off to answer me )..
ICQ : 16950211