Re: A92: Fargo graphics question


Re: A92: Fargo graphics question

> Hello everyone, I'm (very) new to the 92 community, so be kind. I was
> wondering how I get greyscale pictures and/or movies into a format which Fargo
> can read. I've seen some of them posted on ticalc, but I haven't seen any
> explanation of how to do it. Something using the ugplib I think. But how do I
> go from a pic/movie to the format to put in a program? Thanks for any help :)
> New user (don't kill me)

Sorry for this mail beeing so late, but I haven't been able to send
mails for 7 weeks...
In my opinion the most developed utility for converting and displaying
graphics on the TI-92 is UGPConv/UGPBrwse/UGPlib. UGP is a complete
picture format, that consists of many subformats, UGP pictures may be:
	* black&white
	* 4 grayshades (2planes)
   	* 7 grayshades (3planes)
	* animated
	* compressed
	...and a lot more things 
To create them, use UGPConv:
	UGPConv picture.tga /opicture.ugp
This will create a 2 grayscale picture 'picture.ugp', from
Note that currently only 24 bit, uncompressed TGA pictures with
their width beeing a multiple of 8 are supported.
You may use command line options to set up different dithering modes,
change the contrast and brightness, set the color depth and toggle
compression and all those things.
Those UGP pictures may be used to be displayed by a program. This
is very impractical, isn't it? That's why I added the '/s' option
(be careful, options are case sensitive) This option will make UGPConv
to output the UGP picture, together with a title into a TI-92 string
variable (a *.92s file) which can be directly send to your calc.
To view those pictures you may use UGPBrwse, an easy to use browser
for UGP pictures/animations. If you want to create an animation, just
specify many pictures at the command line, you may even use wildcards.
For example:
	UGPConv pic??.tga /s /c /oanimat.92s
This will create a compressed animation, consisting of all files that 
match the wildcard-filename 'pic??.tga' sorted alphabetically.

You may get UGPBrwse from I included some very nice
example pictures into the ZIP file. Enjoy it. But I'm not quite
shure whether the UGPConv program is still on If it is,
you will find it in the Dosutility section under "dos graphic
You may also try site search if you can't find it. However, if you
also can't find it in this way, send me a mail, and I will mail it to

Btw: Some time ago I programmed a ugp viewer tool that might be
used by file managers such as 'pct98' or 'doors'. (Works like
qv, I think). If anyone is interested, I'll mail it to you, too.

						David Kühling
