Re: A92: ASM Help
Re: A92: ASM Help
In a message dated 1/10/99 7:48:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> C++ is easier than assembly, being a higher-level
> language; BASIC is easier than C++, being an even higher level (higher
> levels being farther from straight machine code).
Many people have had questions about C/C++ recently, so I thought I'd respond
here. The statement that C++ is easier than assembly is undisputably true for
99.99% of all cases; I can only think of one especially obscure case where
assembly was easier. However, the statement about BASIC being easier is
something I have to disagree with. BASIC is easier for simple cases.
However, when you're trying to write a medium or large sized program, or often
even a small program, C is easier. This is because BASIC lacks things such as
pointers, and is an interpretted language. Most people agree that C is easier
than both BASIC and assembly, because it has the control structures that asm
lacks (if, for, do, etc.) while retaining things such as pointers, speed, and
lowlevel control necessary for real world applications. This makes it the
most feasable choice of the three. The problem is that C is sometimes a
little confusing for beginners, because some of its functions have
nonintuitive names, such as "puts" where BASIC would have "print". However,
when you get over these superficial difficulties, C is much easier. Also, I
know that at least when I was a beginner and I heard of C/C++, I always
thought they were very complicated, because if every operating system and
major program on the market was written in C or C++, I certainly couldn't do
it. Well, my reasoning there was wrong. I'd strongly encourage everyone to
learn C/C++.