A92: TI89: Sorting Lists


A92: TI89: Sorting Lists

I'm having problems sorting lists.  I did not get an answer to my 
original question so I'm going to ask it a differnt, more simpler way.

I have several lists, ListA, ListB, ListC and ListD.

I sort with something like: SortD ListA, ListB, ListC, ListD.

Now I know that the list order is supposed to be controlled ONLY by 
ListA order.  However, depending on the list and who knows what else, 
sorting with: SortD ListA, ListB, ListC SOMETIMES produces a 
different sort order than SortD ListA, ListC, ListB, ListD.  The sort 
order is different ONLY in elements with identical values.  
Everything else is sorted correctly.

When I say sometimes I mean depending on some undetermined fact, the 
list order is affected by the list placement in the SortD and SortA 
functions.  With any given set of lists this is repeatable but it is 
unpredictable what the order will be for identical elements.

Does anyone know why this happens?  Or, how the list order can be 
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