Re: A92: Where are these documented?


Re: A92: Where are these documented?

Thanks, I have the file but there seems to be something wrong.

A RECT is defined as 8 bytes.
A WINDOW has a field for border (rect) and occupies 10 - 13 (4 bytes)

There seems to be a discrepancy here about the size of a RECT.

Also, there are two 'border of window' fields.  What's the diff?

Also, the function OpenWindow() uses a RECT as a parameter but the WINDOW
also uses two rect for border.  Why so many rect?

Is there any source out there that uses these Window functions so that I
can how they are used?

Finally there is a 'handle of block where bitmap is stored'.  What is that

On Sun, 31 Jan 1999 wrote:

> The file %fargo%\doc\types.txt (that is, the types.txt file in the doc
> directory of your fargo directory) contains informations on complex data types
> such as RECT and WINDOW.
> 									-Noah


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