Re: A92: what is it?


Re: A92: what is it?

>ok thankyou.

You're welcome! :-)

>And what equment allows me to project the screen?  That device
>that looks like a huge lcd screen that is put on the progector?  And where do
>I get one of those?

It's called the ViewScreen, and there's a special one for the 89 or 92/92+ 
because the screens are high-resolution.  You can order it from TI, or from 
one of their resellers (can't think of any at the moment).  Vernier (a TI 
accessory supplier) makes their own, and it might be cheaper, but I don't 
know.  Check on the web.

Good luck!
--Cliff Biffle

Optimist: This glass is half full.
Pessimist: This glass is half empty.
Cynic: They drank my water.  Figures.
Engineer: The glass should be -half- this size!
Psychoanalyst: The glass is affected by feelings of inadequacy.
