A92: RE: A Radio Link idea


A92: RE: A Radio Link idea

>Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 21:20:51 EDT
>From: TurboSoft@aol.com
>Subject: A92: A Radio Link idea
>this may be impossible to work the way l state this, but...
>FM radio transmitters can be bought cheaply (l think) at Radio shack >or a
>place like that.  l know that headphone adapters (headphones -> link >port)
>can be bought there for $3.00
>Now, what would happen if you connected up an FM transmitter to a >walkman 
>all together to a calc, and did the same thing on the other >calc...would 
>work like a link cable or just feedback and not work?

It is a good idea, but it wouldn't quite work correctly,  the calc puts out 
5 volts for a data signal,  a microphone puts out like 200mv (i think) .  
You need something similar to a modem also.  you can not here (clean) DC 
over a speaker, it has to be AC.  In ham radio we do seomthing very similar 
to what you are talking about,  and infact,  I have used it with my 92.  It 
is called a TNC, Terminal Node Controller,  it takes the data given it 
through a serial port from a computer running terminal emulation software,  
waits until it gets a carriage return, and then compresses it and sends it 
as a packet.  Thus useing less air time,  standard speed is 1200 baud.  And 
it will plug into any transceiver that has a standard, speaker and 
Microphone jack.  E-mail me if you have any more questions.

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